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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Final Blog Assignment

1. In EDM 310 I used many different technological tools that are going to be helpful to me as a teacher. I learned how to set up a blog account, how to do blog posts, how to do a google slideshow presentation, how to create a videocast, about the different types of podcasts, how to embed a YouTube video, how to make comments for kids and teachers, how to set up an iTunes, how to use iTunesU, and how to use Skype (you missed that one). I would have like to learn about Google Earth better, because I feel like I just wandered around in the dark with that program. In addition to this, I still don’t think twitter will be a tool that I will stick with.
2. As previously stated, I would have like to get a better understanding on Google Earth. I know there were a lot of videos and instructions; however I could not view them while I was creating my trip. I also would have liked to see more ways on how I could use twitter.
3. I wouldn’t go as far as to say that I wish I could “unlearn” anything in this class but I really found myself frustrated with the Google Earth. I was so frustrated with navigating the program and started to question myself “why am I doing this?”
4. There were a couple of assignments that excited me in this course. I really enjoyed getting feedback from my classmates on my writing. In addition to this, I loved viewing all of the comments4kids.
5. I would consider myself to be a decent writer, however the same could not be said about my grammatical usage. It has really been a challenge to make my work grammatically correct. I know this is pathetic being that I am going to be a teacher, but my grammar has defiantly seen better days. I always try to proof read my writing, but when I turn in a paper I get it back and my mistakes are kept private.
6. There were times in this class that I was bored. I am the type of person that doesn’t need detailed instruction and just likes to hear the main points. No offense, but Dr. Strange some of your instructional videos make me want to gouge my eyes out. I think that this could be improved by just stating what we need to do in the first thirty seconds of the videos.
7. I think that we should not have to write a blog the same week we have one of our main projects due. I think that our main project should be the focus of the week and throwing a blog assignment in there is a little over the top.
8. I think that I am technologically literate on a good level. The only reason I would not say that I am on the great level is because I think there is always room for improvement. I know there is still some areas where I am in the dark, as far a technology. For the most part, I think that I understand technology and I am comfortable using it.
9. There are several ways that I will maintain and improve my technology literacy in the next couple years. As technology advances I know that I will increase the usage and integration into my life. I already use my iphone, computer, internet, television, and radio on a daily basis. I think that I will increase my blogging and online journaling in the next couple of years.


  1. Thank you for your honest reflections stacy. You made some constructive suggestions and we really do appreciate the feedback.

    In your final statement you said that you know technology will advance and so will you. This statement illustrates that you know whatever you run into technology wise you can figure it out. This confidence is important and will serve you well as a teacher. SS

  2. One student reported she worked on two computers and found Google Earth much easier to deal with!

    "It has really been a challenge to make my work grammatically correct." Super. My indirect way of dealing with writing skills worked for you. (But not for everybody!)

    "Dr. Strange some of your instructional videos make me want to gouge my eyes out." Please consult your opthalmologist first!

    "I think that we should not have to write a blog the same week we have one of our main projects due. I think that our main project should be the focus of the week" Hmmm... The first intelligent argument with regard to blogs (my opinion of course) I have received. I'll consider it.

    Good luck!
